Programming is one of the most promising professions today. How not, the development of the IT world has made many technology-based companies appear. The need for programmers is also increasing with high salary offers.

This article will discuss what a programmer is, his job, the types of programmers and what skills must be mastered to become a reliable programmer.

What is a Programmer?

Programmer is a profession for someone who designs code sequences to create software programs. A programmer designs code and turns it into instructions that a computer can follow. The code written by the programmer will be understood by the computer and can later make the device work according to the instructions. The code or programming language in question is Python, Java, PHP, and so on.

Programmer Duties And Jobs

Simply put, a programmer is in charge of creating a system or program on a website, desktop, or mobile application. In creating a functional program, of course there is a long process that is carried out. The following are the duties and responsibilities of a programmer.

1. Analyze Program Needs

Programmers must understand the needs of the program to be made. Therefore, analyzing and identifying important problems is done first in order to create a program that suits your needs.

Programmers need to think about how easy it is for users to use the program, how it is based, the form of the display, and other possibilities related to the program. This is useful so that the program that is made becomes efficient to meet the interests of the company.

For large-scale projects, programmers are usually assisted by systems analysts who are in charge of analyzing the entire system and business processes at this stage. However, it is possible that the programmer also performs a needs analysis because the project being carried out is simple/small scale.

2. Designing Flows With Flowcharts

Surely you have used an application or program that feels practical and easy to use. This is inseparable from the task of the programmer who is responsible for designing the program flow, so that it is easier for users to understand.

The design is usually made in the form of a flowchart, UML, or ERD. With the flowchart, programmers can imagine the workflow of the program and get an idea of ​​the UI and UX appearance. However, for large-scale projects, this task is also usually taken over by system analysts.

3. Coding

Writing code or coding is the core task of programmers. Coding is the activity of writing a series of code into a computer, which later becomes a command for a program.

Coding is an identical job for a programmer. After finishing designing the flowchart, the coding process is carried out to convert the flow into a program through a predetermined programming language.

4. Debugging

After completing the coding process, there is one more step before a program is ready to be tested. Programmers usually check for possible errors in the programming language. For example, writing incorrect code that the computer cannot understand.

Debugging is the process of looking for bugs or glitches in the program that has been created. This is important to avoid errors in the program which can later cause fatal errors.

5. Testing And Management

The next stage is the programmer’s task is to test the program. This process is useful to see whether the program created can run well or not. In addition, they can also find out whether the program can be used or still needs improvement.

In this process, you will usually find several problems, such as a display that is too complicated, the program is too heavy so that it consumes the device’s battery, or takes up too much memory.

This process must be done to improve the program before it will be used by the general public. Usually for large-scale projects or agencies, this responsibility is carried out by a quality assurance officer.

Requirements to be a Programmer

With the development of the IT world, the tasks and responsibilities of programmers are increasingly complex. Therefore, if you want to become a reliable programmer at least you need to have the following skills.

1. Mastering One Or More Programming Languages

To become a programmer, you must master a programming language. There are many programming languages ​​out there. For example, C++, Java, PHP, Javascript, and the like. Each programming language has different functions and uses.

Programming languages ​​are the basis for programmers. For that a programmer must master one programming language. Actually, mastering one or more than one programming language has its pros and cons. Make sure you are proficient in one programming language first before learning another.

2. Analyzing the Problem

This one skill is important for a programmer. The ability to analyze is needed to identify problems in the program that is made. This is inseparable from his job duties in carrying out the responsibilities of a programmer.

Good analytical skills must be accompanied by problem solving skills or finding solutions to problems. The programmer must be able to identify the problem and find the most appropriate effective way to solve the problem.

3. Code Reading Skills

In addition to writing code, programmers must also be skilled in reading source code. They have to understand the logic of reading code so they can understand open source projects. In addition, knowledge of various programming languages ​​is one of the supporting skills for reading code.

4. Accuracy

This skill is also important for a programmer. Accuracy is one of the keys to becoming a reliable programmer. Because, in the programming world, a single semicolon or typo can cause an error. This can result in a fatal error.

5. Troubleshooting

The ability to solve problems is one of the main skills for programmers. When doing his job, programmers are required to be able to find bugs or disturbances in the program before testing, which is known as debugging.

A programmer needs to have debugging skills to understand the problems that exist in the program, look for errors in the source code, and analyze them to find the right fix solution.

6. English Skills

Mastering English is one of the skills that at least a programmer must have. This is because almost all programming languages ​​are designed in English.

If you encounter problems in the programming process, then you need to look for references and documentation that can help you. These documents are usually written in English. So it’s important for a programmer to at least master English even passively.

7. Mastering Computer Networks

It’s a good idea for a programmer to master the basics of computer networking. Mastering computer networks is actually not a mandatory thing for a programmer. However, this is especially important when entering the internet and cloud computing. A programmer at least needs to know how to connect an application or program to a local network or the internet.

Types of Programmers

With the development of technology, more and more types of programmer jobs exist today. The scope of the programming industry has become wider, due to different needs and domains.

If you want to become a programmer, focus on one of the fields you want to work in. Here are some types of programmer jobs that you need to know.

1. Software Developer

A software developer focuses on designing and managing software or software contained in a program or computer.

Now, every company needs software to support its business activities. For example, for inventory, attendance, accounting purposes and others. So that a software developer more and more needed his services.

Not only in writing code, they need to organize the code so that it can be reused. They also have to analyze user requirements to design the best solution that can be applied to the software.

2. Database Developer

Another type of programmer is a database developer. As the name implies, the work handled is related to a data set or database. According to sources, some of the skills database developers must have, such as understanding database administration software, the ability to integrate data, and of course mastering programming languages.

Any software that involves data processing usually uses a database as a storage medium. Therefore, database developers are needed to optimize performance and minimize data complexity so that programs can be accessed.

3. Web Developer

There are also types of programmers who specifically have a domain in designing and modifying websites, namely web developers. Web developers are usually divided into three types, namely :

  • Front-end

A front-end developer is in charge of executing UI/UX design ideas. They handle things related to presenting the program view for direct viewing by the user. You could say, they are tasked with translating the design into a real display for users to understand.

The front-end developers use programming languages ​​such as CSS, HTML and Javascript to design website interfaces to be interactive, and look mobile friendly.

  • Back-end

If the front-end focuses on building the framework, a back-end developer handles the data and server parts of the website. You could say back-end developers work behind the scenes. Their responsibilities include managing databases, web servers, API integration, managing CMS, building server software, and the like.

The back-end developers usually master the programming language Python, PHP, Javascript, Framework and others.

  • Full stack

Fullstack developers have a complex scope of responsibilities, which is a combination of front-end and back-end. A full stack developer is responsible for handling website design to database and server processing.

4. Mobile App Developer

A mobile developer specializes in mobile technology, such as creating applications for Android, iOS, and so on. They master the programming language that supports software development on the selected mobile platform.

Each mobile platform uses a different programming language, for example, Android uses Java, while iOS uses Objective-C. Therefore, mobile app developers are often specified according to categories, such as Android developers, iOS developers, or video game developers.